Thursday, November 8, 2007

I do solomly swear...

I joined NaBloPoMo. In an effort to regulate myself. In essence I have committed to posting here once a day for the entire month of November. Obviously I am a little late, but what the heck.

Today I took pictures of my pendants - modeled by my lovely friend and co-worker Jordan. Also, I ate a cinnamon roll for breakfast.

If you want to know the real deal of what is going on over here today, here it is: I am sitting here not even really knowing what to type because how to differentiate all these different thoughts into ones I want to keep vs. ones I want to throw away? And it's hard anyway, to write those keepable thoughts. Hard not to overthink. I have been very negative lately. Negative about my job, my pursuits, everything really. And while I hold onto this thin thread - this idea I have of selling my pendants and turning Trained Monkey into something doable - I am bombarded by doubts and haunts and a lack of creativity, as of late. That is my state, today.

But the good news, is that I happen to know that how I feel, does not determine reality. Just because I feel uncreative, does not mean that I am uncreative. This is a temporary state that I am in. And really, who wouldn't expect a barrage of self doubt when embarking upon such an adventure? I could have gone to law school, or nursing school, or done something else that would have prepared me to have a more traditional career. And on days like today, I really kind of wish I had. But the reality is that I didn't. I have chosen to work a flexible job, for less money, so that I can spend my afternoons covered in resin dust, working out in my studio. I am choosing to pave this path because it is where my heart is, where my guts are. And if I fail........well, then, I guess I can always go to grad school later. For now, I have to try.


Unnaturally Blonde said...

It's never too late to join NaBloPoMo!! Keep it up!

Mickey said...

Welcome to NaBloPoMo! I was just reading about your marathon experience- congratulations on that. I'm thinking of running one myself, but for purely selfish reasons. Maybe I should change that...

Anonymous said...

I admire you for that, choosing the artistic life.

Many, many people say if they could do it over again, they'd go back and devote their life to what they love.

Keep perservering.