So busy uploading, scrutinizing and labeling photos. Here is a sneek peek at one of my pendants. The etsy store is in progress!
In other news, we had a little visit from animal control tonight. It seems that one of our neighbors called to complain about our dogs barking during the day. When we are not home. Hmmm.....while I absolutely agree that incessant dog barking is madingly annoying, AND, while I also admit to having witnessed our dogs barking away more than once, I have to say I am a little put off by the complaint. Simply for the fact that we are surrounded by dogs. Neighbors on the left have 2 dogs. Neighbors on the right have 1. Neighbors in back have 1, possibly 2. Neighbors kitty corner have......you get picture. Our three mutts love to run up and down the fence and play bark with the 2 dogs living on our left. They ALL bark. So I am wondering if we (our dogs) were singled out. And if so, why? We obviously have to remedy the situation. Fortunately we have a decent sized dog run in the middle of our back yard, and we will have to leave them all in there while we are at work. While logically I know that it is big enough for all three dogs, I am a big sissie when it comes to my baby dogs and I get all sad, knowing that they won't be having the run of the backyard all day, being able to bark away with wild abandon. Sniff. But we don't want to be annoying to our neighbors, and mostly we don't want another complaint.
Hi! I came over from NaBloPoMo. I'm challenging myself to comment on as many blogs as possible this month as well as post.
Ooh, pretty pendant! Love it! That's too bad about your neighbors calling on your dogs. I'd be a little put off too, especially if they didn't even come and talk to you first.
Happy Posting!
Hi there! Came across your blog via the NaBloPoMo randomizer.
As part of this whole community spirit vibe that's going round with NaBlo I thought I'd tag you. Enjoy!
I'm also from the Randomizer. Just wanted to say hi.
Probably someone thinks your dogs are the ring-leaders. Everybody knows when one dog barks in the neighborhood it sets the others off, too. Hope you and the other neighbors can get them quieted down. And I love the pendant, too. Good luck with Etsy.
This pendant is lovely -- found you through NaBloPoMo.
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