This is our Chevy coupe. We took an impromptu road trip in it this weekend. Saturday, around 1pm, B and I were talking about how much we missed my mom and step dad Gary, and how we wished we could see them and hug them. They have been back from South Africa for about a week now, and staying in Idaho Falls with my brother and his family. And although we wanted to be there and see them a week ago, B and I have both been working so much, it's been hard to get away. Around 1pm on Saturday, we decided to stop listening to the excuses and just GO. We were on the road by 3:30 and giving them hugs by 8pm. It was awesome to see them again! They both look so great and have so many stories to tell about this last year of their lives. We got to see so many of the pictures and videos they took, and they are incredible. The mountains, jungles, plains - the zebra's, elephants, lions, - its all everything we imagined Africa to be like and then even more. My mom brought back a pouch of rooiboos tea and when I opened it I smelled Africa and fell in love. They took pictures of huge rain spiders and the townships and children wrapped in blankets. Hearing the story in each picture they took is probably the closest I am going to get to Africa for a while, and that is really okay. I am so glad they had this experience, got to live in such a different part of the world than we are all used to. And as much as I was willing to share them with Africa, I am so glad they are home now.
We came back last night, so it was a short trip - about 24 hours. But all completely worth it. So today B and I are off to work again. This coming Friday I am flying to San Fransisco to run in the Nike Women's Marathon. It is my first marathon and I am beyond excited! I will post all the details about that story later. For now I am going to enjoy a little steamy Bolivian coffee brew before work.
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