Today is the only day of the week that I don't have an obligation to be somewhere, doing something. And because of that, today is wonderful. Of course, there are other reasons too..... like knowing that Brant (henceforth to be known as B) and I will spend the evening watching episodes of House and CSI Miami while eating something delicious (I'm thinking pasta with myzithra cheese and fresh bread with olive oil and balsalmic?). I am going to clean our house today, while he is playing football, which might sound like not so much fun, but really, I love the way it feels after the house is clean - then I can curl up with a cup of rooiboos tea and relax even more. (Is that how you spell rooiboos? Not sure). So today is a lovely day.
I have been undecided with the direction of this blog - do I make it mostly business, concentrating on my art and sharing design sources I love? Or do I make it a little more personal, and share other aspects of my life mingled in with the art? It is kind of scary to be more personal. But this is what I have decided: when I look at the blogs I love to read, I find they are the ones in which I feel like I end up knowing the person writing, in some sense. I love the personal details and am bored when the blog is kept at more of an arms length. I am in this for the relationships, and because of that, I have decided to make this my personal blog - with my art thrown in. When or if it becomes beneficial, I will make a
separate website devoted entirely to my art. I feel like this frees me up so much - now the internal editor can relax with the "is this appropriate? Too much sharing? crud. So there. Get ready for my life. Ha ha.

Here are some gratuitous dog and house pictures to get things started. I've been promising my family these for ages. So may I present to you our three dogs Maddie, Lucy, and Emma - and the house we were blessed with this summer.