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- Recovering from a wasp sting that caused my arm to swell from my fingers to my elbow. Apparently my body does not like wasps. Many prescription antihistamines and antibiotics later...I am feeling better.
- Moving stuff, ever so slowly into our new house. There are weeds to whack, bobcats to rent, a huge amount of dirt to scrape out of the yard and replace with clean, non-weedy topsoil, and a fence to put up for the dogs. It will all get done, and even though I wish it was getting done today, I have to be patient. Ugh.
- Dreaming of the juicy blackberries that are growing ripe in our new backyard.
- Thinking about the 7 miles I am supposed to run in the morning (I'm training for a marathon).
- Feeling like I might want to start working on my writing again, maybe make another chapbook.
- Feeling like there is so much stuff I need to surrender, but holding myself back. Things like this school situation, my job, - it all comes down to me consumed with what I want, and not willing to ask or look at what He (as in God) wants/has for me. Feels like I've drifted with the current up to the dam and now I am pulling back, bracing myself, not allowing myself to go over, go through. The other side is calm, I know. And I know He has good things for me. But this surrender is hard.
- Feeling overall: exhausted, overwhelmed, and happy.
We just got back from signing the closing papers on our new house. We get the keys tomorrow! This has all been so overwhelming and such a miracle. There were so many reasons for us not to get this house, every time the deal looked hopeless and gone, it all of a sudden sprung back to life. So now we have a lot of work to do! I am going to start packing tonight and hopefully we will get a lot of moving done this weekend. On another note, I called about a job teaching art at a private school today. Waiting for them to call back. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to go with this whole "art" thing, so I guess I am knocking on a lot of doors. I do know that this blog is part of my direction with art - a place to chart my progress, develop connections and relationships with other artists out there in the big ol internet world.
For now, a picture of the card I just made for my sister's birthday. It's not the greatest quality picture, but soon, soon, I will get this photo/blog thing figured out and have fabulous pics to show.
So here's my blog. Been wanting to do this for awhile now.